Thursday, 7 November 2013


By Norma Holt

                    Expert Author Norma Holt

With many healed as the power flowed from my hands the experience of feeling this wonderful gift is beyond this world. That's why so many are skeptical about it and it is not something the average person seeks when ill or injured. The criteria to be helped in this way are a complete reaching out for truth and denial of the religions which oppose the Spirit. That means filling your heart with desire for the only God which is not represented in any worshipped form outside of that within.

It is surprising how many are aware of this today as the world comes ever closer to its catastrophic end. Overpopulation, loss of species, climate change and global warming are among the many issues responsible for this situation but top of the list is the will of God. Old Testament prophecies state that it is the plan of the Almighty to bring us into this condition.

That is part of the retribution for going after the false gods of the many persuasions that have people bowing and worshipping idols. Statues made of clay, wood or metal are nothing. They have no power and from them is spawned the wilful, criminal elements that allow some the right to use others for their benefit, even if it amounts to death. The demise of the planet is due to the attitude that many have for wealth at any cost.

That is what hides spiritual healing as money is a false god. It is man-made and the need to have it is ongoing and growing. This is part of the world of 666 and in Revelation 13:13-18 it states clearly that this man rules over the economy. His identity is Constantine, emperor of the Roman world. In 325 AD he established the Catholic Church and, according to that reference, he invented Jesus Christ as its Saviour.

These are the lies that stand between spiritual healing and the sick and injured. The reluctance to let go of them gives leaders, the media and the fundamentalists ammunition to rail against the spiritual links that many have within. It's only when faced with something incurable by medical means that one can turn to that inner power and seek healing with all their heart. That's when miracles happen and instantaneous healing may occur.

One must ignore the church, the mosque, the temple, the priest and any other force outside of that small voice that guides in order to gain it. That is the flaming sword preventing the majority from finding the power and it is the voice of the majority that silences it.
When nothing appears to be able to help rescue someone, such as the man on death row or the woman trapped for 3 weeks under a mud flow if one is connected the Spirit will work miracles. Understanding miracles and your spirituality is first and foremost a criteria to finding the truth about the real God.

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